Title: Crimson Tears Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh Subject: Seto & Mokuba Kaiba Theme: 14) Fair weather friend, rainy day friend. Disclaimer: They wouldn't even want to be mine... not after this... Warnings: Blood, angst, self harm.
Title: Holiday Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh Subject: Seto & Mokuba Kaiba Theme: 7) An Ugly Shirt Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be... I'll go cry now...
Writers Note:The challenge for this one kept getting bigger! Obviously I had to do the theme, then while bouncing ideas off people I was also challanged to include a topless massage. I wanted to write this
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Title: Stars Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh Subject: Seto Kaiba & Mokuba Kaiba Theme: 3) Late Night Conversation Disclaimer: I didn't create them, I just play with them. There is a plot point from their background included, just so you know. Dedication: ammchan: for her wonderfulness.
Title: Little White Lies Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh Subject: Seto Kaiba, Mokuba Kaiba Theme: 8) Secrets and Lies Disclaimer: No money made, no minds warped... this time!